Why Call a flawed Person like Me?
#apostolic #ministry #blackpreachermovement
For just preaching the Gospel isn’t any special credit to me — I couldn’t keep from preaching it if I wanted to. I would be utterly miserable. Woe unto me if I don’t. — I Corinthians 9:16 (The Living Bible)
The day I realized that I was called to the ministry, to preach. I was utterly confused. Why call a person, who grew up with a history of challenges and disabilities. People always told me growing up that I would likely become a preacher and possibly become a pastor. I’ve always believed that my calling to preach and the pastor was different, because I’d never thought it would be me. I grew up under the missionary-baptist heritage, and those of you who follow my social medias know that before I became full fledge “believe-on-me, out of your belly — apostolic (lol) I’d had roots from the baptist denomination. Can I be honest, I never wanted to be the preacher who just wanted to be the preacher who gets paid everytime — I asked to give a word because to me it isn’t about ministry it’s about being an effective leader & putting your word that God gives you to practice. And I can be real, there were times where I didn’t practice what I preached.
The day I knew my calling was real was when I hit 16 — and I was asked to give my first ever (haven’t had one since) my first ministerial engagement at a church founded by Prophetess-Pastor Doris West. I started taking my gift seriously at 18 — because I didn’t want it, to be honest because I’d was afraid that the same people who hate me and whom hated my guts for preaching the apostolic message of Jesus Christ, I’d knew I’ll lose friends, people who I loved and even more. But I don’t regret it, because the same man I walked around whooping about, squalling about, singing about from 10 years old of age and who is almost turning 21 — I don’t regret it. I love Jesus. I love him, not the gift, because he gave it to me — and thats’ the side of my heart to lead. I’ve known that God has called me young, and the pastoring piece comes from my heart.
I have a virtual ministry called LaDarion Jones Ministries, until the time comes one day because I believe, I believe — that God has called me to someday pastor in the future. I’d don’t share the vision, but God has graced me to know my future church name (that’s how I know it’s real) and people have called me false, a phony, a church-wanna be. But a real leader according to in the words of Apostle Paul in [II Corinthians 6:3–10 ESV], “We put no obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love; by truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; through honor and dishonor, through slander and praise. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything.
Many people have counted my ministry out. I could say the names. But they were the main ones that helped me never quit on the call. My greatest ministerial role model — is my spiritual father, pastor and mentor is Overseer Evan D. Risher, the pastor of Ramp Church Texas. Some of you may know about the Ramp and our Bishop, S.Y. Younger. And what I learned from my spiritual dad, and bishop is that ministry isn’t a game — its a price to pay in this. Your life is on the line. When I tell you, I cry my eyes out every night just wanting to make God happy and make him proud of me. I never want to fail him. People have made me feel like that I’ve failed God, and some of it — was true and it only made me a teachable individual. When I tell you, I would lose everything and everyone just to preach this one name, baptize in that one name, sacrifice in that one name, die in that one name: it’s all about Jesus to me.
I’m reminded of a story in Acts — there was a man by the name of Stephen. The bible said that they cast him out of the city and stoned him. But in the end it said, that he called upon the name of the Lord to receive His spirit. But what showed real ministry, because Stephen was an Evangelist during that time — real ministry is when you have nothing and when the people feel like stones, he said, Lord lay not this sin to their charge and he fell asleep. Real ministry is when people talk down your ministry. When I told you people have prayed for the destruction of my ministry, people have said I had no power & proclaimed me a bastard to kingdom. All of that broke my heart and discouraged me. But I’m about to close with this. One of my friends, by the name of Angel Few. My great friend, actually I’m working with them on a ministerial development, including mines of my own — that I will NOT release. She said to me in quote, “You saved my life!” When I tell you I’d was going to break down — because I was so used to so called friends, who said they supported my ministry lie to my face, but this came out of no-where and was SO REAL, PURE — nothing deceitful it blessed my heart, truly.
My name is LaDarion K. Jones, an apostolic-preacher who preaches only Jesus. Him who died, and him whom is alive. Him who told the apostles during the first century church — to preach the gospel, as I’m doing in His name. I love you — this is to my real supporters, friends and family and this blog post is dedicated, to my hero — Overseer Risher, my aunt, Prophetess Mia and etc.